That's right. Feeling put upon and maligned because you started an unwinnable war on false pretenses while pervily listening in on private conversations of Americans? Try crying like a little girl.
George Clooney made Abramoff's daughter cry...someone's gonna get sued.Now, let's ignore for a moment the fact that what really made his daughter cry is the fact that her father is a crook and got caught. No, let's instead blame the actor and shift focus from the guilty party, making him more "human" and "family-loving". Indeed, let's get Daddy Abramoff to write a letter saying how inappropriate Clooney's remark was and how it reduced Princess Abramoff to "a fit of tears."
Gee, Princess, let me know if you're gonna tear up like that everytime your dad get's cornholed by a large black man named Spyke in the next twenty years. I want to buy stock in Kleenex.
Well, that probably won't happen, because rich, connected, white men never go to jail for their crimes. Still, Princess, your dad is indeed a jack-off who raided the political system and got his ass caught.
It disgusted me when Alito's wife teared up ON FREAKING CUE in his hearings. It disgusts me that it's now being used to try and soften Abramoff's image. The new weapon of political wingnuts everywhere is good old fashioned bitch-ass crying.
If you can't handle it, don't get involved. If you're really so upset about your granddaughter crying, don't make her a target by writing off a pointless and unsupported letter. If you don't want to hear your husband refuse to answer any sort of question, don't sit in the hearing and certainly don't sit in plain sight of the cameras...well, plain sight after an aide comes up and tells your husband to skootch his chair over a couple of inches 15 minutes before you mysteriously decide to let loose.
Christ on the Cross, what's next? Dick Cheney going racoon-eyed on a Barbara Walters special?
This isn't politics. It's manipulation. And it's disgusting.