Chocolate Covered Ants

Something you like around something you don't. In any event, it's going in your mouth.

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Location: Kansas City, Missouri

"Bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will, to be rightful, must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal laws must protect, and to violate would be oppression." - Thomas Jefferson, 1st Inaugural address, 1801

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Can we have a war on Cronyism?

A couple of months back when even Michelle Malkin (or possibly her husband, but that's a different story) was irked at BushCo's blatantly inappropriate cronyism, I thought the tide was turning. Now, with PortGate (I'm too lazy to think of something clever to call it), I'm thinking the tide is turning. I'm sure with the next scandal, I'll think the tide is turning.

I think someone broke the tide.

In any event, guess what? Turns out the recent port deal is just more Bush cronyism. Let's look at the roster of shame:

Just three weeks before the port deal was announced, Bush named Dubai Ports World senior executive David Sanborn, the U.S. Maritime Administrator. Convenient, to say the least.

John Snow, U.S. Treasury chief and head of the panel that cleared the Dubai Ports deal (and who now claims he wasn't involved in the process until after the deal was cleared), once headed a railroad company (CSX Corp) that sold its global port assets to Dubai Ports World. That $1.5 billion deal took place in 2004, only a year after Snow stepped down as chief executive to be appointed U.S. Treasury chief by Bush in 2003. Snow claims he knew nothing of the deal. One has to start wondering does Snow know anything?

In 2002, the Carlyle Group, a private equity firm that gave George Bush the Elder a senior advisor job, bought CSX Corp. Snow was still CEO at the time. Who's a major stockholder in the Carlyle Group? The United Arab Emirates.

So there it is. The president who claims that the safety of our country is his number one priority is once again simply in the back pocket of one of the most corrupt government in the middle east who's ties to terrorism have been established and ignored in favor of rich profits for Bush and friends.

Frankly, Bush's record approval rating low of 34% seems way too high to me. Mind you, that rating means absolutely nothing. Because if there's one thing this administration has shown, it's that American citizens can't be bothered to actually do something about a President of which they supposedly disapprove. It's that apathy that allows BushCo to pull this sort of shit and not worry for a second about who knows it. I've even heard a rumor that they're going to eliminate the White House Press Secretary and replace it with a tickertape machine that constantly spits out "Liberals are bad and anyone who disagrees with Bush must be a liberal." The money saved will then be given directly to a fund to pay for Jenna's inevitable trip to rehab.