Chocolate Covered Ants

Something you like around something you don't. In any event, it's going in your mouth.

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Location: Kansas City, Missouri

"Bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will, to be rightful, must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal laws must protect, and to violate would be oppression." - Thomas Jefferson, 1st Inaugural address, 1801

Friday, February 03, 2006

A Blunt Can't Stop A Boehner

It's official, Republicans like Boehner.

Now, while I can't always say a Boehner is superior to a Blunt, in this particular case, knowing what I do about this Blunt, I'd have to say the Republicans made a wise choice.

And for my friend David, who has an inexplicible and nightmarishly disturbing crush on boy governor Baby Blunt (notice the absence of "wonder" after boy in that last phrase), all I can say is maybe this is your chance. Perhaps the raging Boehner's punishing pounding of Big Blunt will so depress Baby Blunt that he'll get drunk and do one of those "It doesn't make you gay if you don't kiss" things. It's a long shot, but in a world where a Boehner beats a Blunt, anything is possible.


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