Chocolate Covered Ants

Something you like around something you don't. In any event, it's going in your mouth.

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Location: Kansas City, Missouri

"Bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will, to be rightful, must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal laws must protect, and to violate would be oppression." - Thomas Jefferson, 1st Inaugural address, 1801

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Well, it's probably true...

Okay, this confuses me.

Athlete apologizes for drinking.

Apparently in a "60 minutes" interview, Olympic skier Bode Miller said something about how it's not easy to ski wasted.

Now, this strikes me as undoubtedly true. While I've never been skiing myself, it looks hard. Things happen fast. Trees tend to kill Republican politicians. There seem to be numerous challenges, the threat of which would increase exponentially if you're toasted.

Yet, apparently, this remark from someone who's nearly 30 and therefore capable of not only drinking legally, but choosing to then ski, has greatly offended all sorts of people. I don't get it? Would they have been happier if he had said, "Skiing is really hard, except when you're hammered. Then it's a breeze. Heh, I made a joke. "

So now he's apologizing all over the place like he said, "Skiing on puppies and orphans is hard, but I do it gleefully while I spout liberal rhetoric and fingerbang Cindy Sheehan." He's an adult. He enjoys a beverage. He made a silly comment about how it's hard to ski while drunk. This is now national news?

I think perhaps I should just chalk it up to yet another example of the general weirdness of this country. People drink. People then make stupid choices, like skiing. We all know this. Yet, so long as they aren't honest about it and don't actually admit that they're doing it, we're fine. The second they do, we act all surprised like this is news to us and get offended. Then the person comes out and apologizes, not really for the action, but for talking about it.

I don't get it.

That's probably why I don't ski.


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